360° Software Talent Acquisition Platform

Built for Hiring Managers and HR teams

Tested talent flow, openings, interview scheduling, negotiation, and hires

hiring platform features

Hands-on Tested Talent Pool

Tested talent matched with your openings

Exceptionly software talent platform provides hands-on tested talent for every single job opening you create.

We notify you instantly as fresh talent arrives in our marketplace after our rigorous testing process.

Tested Talent Only
Custom Openings with Hundreds of Skills

Custom Openings with All Technology Skills

Your needs first. Hundreds of tech skills for your custom software engineering needs

Exceptionly talent platform integrates into your ATS and helps you organize your job openings in an effortless way.

We provide fresh tested talent on a daily basis using your opening configuration and technical requirements. We have all the software engineering skills stored in our platform to choose from.

Global Software Talent Sourcing with Multiple Countries and Regions

Talent has no zip code. Aim for the best

Exceptionly is famous with its customer-centric approach. We never expect you to reduce your expectations. Go ahead, input your ideal candidate details using our openings screen and we’ll take care of the rest for you.

Global Software Talent Sourcing with Multiple Countries and Regions
Aligned With Your Calendar

Aligned With Your Calendar

We know you are busy. We get aligned with you

Exceptionly offers tested software engineers with remote work experience. We know your schedule is busy so we get integrated into your calendar and match candidates with you in your available slots only.

Interview missed? No worries, we have a single-click rescheduling feature too

All Software Talent Hiring Agenda on a Single Dashboard

One dashboard to rule it all

Exceptionly provides a rich dashboard with metrics, agenda, pending decisions, and recently interacted candidates so you can build your entire team from a single screen.

Built for Hiring Managers and HR teams with high expectations.

All Hiring Agenda on a Single Dashboard
Openings, Candidates and Metrics On a Single Screen

Openings, Candidates and Metrics On a Single Screen

You have unique needs. We have the solution

Openings are your portals to reach our hands-on tested talent pool. Beyond that, we help Hiring Managers and HR teams stay organized and always reach their hiring goals on time.

We built Exceptionly talent platform for ourselves after hands-on testing over 2 million software engineers worldwide and hiring over 4 thousand remote software engineers. We’re happy to share it with you too.

No More Unproductive Interviews

We hate the unproductive interviews too

Never lose track of an interview, help us improve our talent quality, and get calibrated using our interview feedback cycle.

Let’s solve your talent problem today.

No More Unproductive Interviews

Top-Notch Software Talent, Your Decision

Full freedom of cost control. You negotiate

We don’t apply a flat rate for our hands-on tested software engineering talent. We also are not big fans of the outsourcing model, we believe 100% of the tech capital should go to the amazing software engineers worldwide.

With the Exceptionly talent platform, you negotiate and do the hire directly.
