Technical Interview Questions: Understanding Quicksort Algorithms
Fatma Elverir

Technical Interview Questions: Understanding Quicksort Algorithm

The third round of interview questions wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t mention a sorting algorithm! So, in this tutorial, I decided to go through one of the most efficient sorting algorithms: The Quicksort Algorithm!

Database and Kafka Integration with Testcontainers in Spring Boot
Fatma Elverir

Database and Kafka Integration with Testcontainers in Spring Boot

Before jumping into Testcontainers, I assume we all know that today’s applications tend to have many components, frameworks, databases, and event stores with paradigms such as Microservices architecture. As the complexity grows with more and

Hands-on React Native Tutorial for Beginners
Fatma Elverir

Hands-on React Native Tutorial for Beginners

React Native is an open-source Javascript library developed by Facebook that allows you to build native mobile apps. Remember the catch-phrase for React Native “Learn once, write anywhere.” Cross-platform ability accurately portrays React Native as

AWS IAM Role Chaining Using Java, S3, and Dynamodb
Fatma Elverir

AWS IAM Role Chaining in Java – DynamoDB, S3

Choosing between IAM roles or IAM users for accessing AWS resources is a matter of the risk appetite you are taking. But for the fact, AWS encourages you to use IAM roles over the users. 

Technical Interview Questions - Binary Search Algorithm
Fatma Elverir

Technical Interview Questions: Binary Search Algorithm

Search algorithms are the essential part of the interviews. And there is a high possibility to face a search algorithm during an interview, tech stack independently. That’s why I decided to walk you through one

Setting up Swagger 2 with Spring Boot
Fatma Elverir

Setting Up Swagger 2 with Spring Boot

In today’s enterprise software development world, separating the front-end and back-end of a web application is almost a necessity. Consequently, this situation might shape teams or engineers who work on the front and back-end sides

The Complete Tutorial of Git&Github for Beginners
Fatma Elverir

The Complete Tutorial of Git&Github for Beginners

How do you track changes and preserve coordination among multiple programmers? Keeping every team member on the correct version of the code is crucial, and therefore this is the part where version control systems start

Monitoring Quarkus with Prometheus and Grafana
Fatma Elverir

Monitoring Quarkus with Prometheus and Grafana

Today’s applications are running on highly distributed infrastructure, and it is super complex to detect the failures and act on them in a reasonable time. Therefore, application monitoring is essential for the observability of a

Welcome to Quarkus: Supersonic, Kubernetes-native Java Framework
Fatma Elverir

Welcome to Quarkus: Supersonic, Kubernetes-Native Java Framework

What is Quarkus? Quarkus is an open-source Java framework that has been designed to run on Kubernetes platforms for developing and delivering applications on platforms such as serverless and cloud-native environments. Applications developed with Quarkus

Dockerize a Spring Boot Application
Fatma Elverir

Dockerize a Spring Boot Application

Starting with this tutorial, I will go through a deployment series of a Java application to various cloud providers. Before setting up a pipeline and walking you through the deployment process, I want to dockerize
